Monday, June 6, 2011

Sarah Palin Takes Aim At American History

On her recent bus tour, Sarah Palin stopped in Boston, Massachusettes. When asked to give her account of the famous midnight ride of Paul Revere, she proved herself once again to be a die-hard revisionist. The official account, which was recorded in vivid detail and in real time, is known to virtually every child by the time he reaches third-grade. Nonetheless, Palin adheres to her unconventional views. A true maverick in every sense, she maintains that Revere used gunshots and bells to warn the British that the Americans were coming. When told that lanterns had been used as a silent signal to the colonists that the British were coming, she  replied, "Oh, yeah, then how was he supposed to keep his lanterns from going out if he went by sea, even if his horse could swim all the way to Boston?"

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